Uploading and sharing an APK for free is easy. Just drag and drop the APK file into APKnow.one or click the "Upload" button. You will then get a link to share the APK.

It is very easy. Once you locate the download link of an APK file on APKnow.one, simply click "Download Now" and the file will automatically start downloading to your device. The file will be saved to your downloads folder.

APKnow.one only allows uploading APKs in the following file format: .apk. You can upload APKs of apps, games, etc. 

The maximum APK size is 150 MB. For registered users, there is no limit.

For unregistered users the storage time of the APK is 90 days. For registered users, 365 days.

There is no limit. You can upload and share 1, 2, or 100 .apk for free. You can upload up to 10 APKs simultaneously if you are registered, or 4 APK files if you are not registered.

There are no restrictions, but we will check that the APKs are not malicious. We do not allow sharing viruses, malware or similar.

Yes, non-genuine APKs can also be reported. To report, click on a flag icon that appears when the APK is shared. We regularly remove fake APKs reported by users. 

Yes, it is 100% safe to download and use APKs from APKnow.one. APKnow.one only distribute original APKs, and we do not modify any hosted versions of APKs. In addition, you can set a password to protect each file.

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